WebClient is an unsupported tool. Microsoft does not guarantee its operation or provide technical support for it. WebClient is a simple WinSock, MFC-based app that submits HTTP requests to web servers and displays the results in its main window. Once a document has been retrieved, it can be saved (without the HTTP headers) to a file. This is very useful for verifying the HTTP stream received from web servers -- particulary caching dates. WebClient an also access sites through a proxy server, enabling access through Microsoft Catapult. INSTALLATION ============ WebClient is an MFC-based application that has been compiled to use the DLL versions of the MFC and C-Runtime libraries. It is imperative that MFC40.DLL and MSVCRT40.DLL be somewhere on your path (preferably in your Windows System directory) when you run this application. The suggested installation steps are as follows: 1. Copy MFC40.DLL and MSVCRT40.DLL to your Windows\System directory. 2. In a directory of your choosing, copy WebClnt.exe to your hard-drive. 3. Optionally, create a shortcut to it from a folder. 4. You're done. You should now be able to run WebClient. USAGE ===== Start WebClient. From the menu, select "Web|Get" (or HEAD). Enter the URL of the document you'd like to retrieve. You may leave out the "http://" prefix if you wish; it will be assumed if missing. The HTTP stream will appear in the window when the transaction is complete. Select "File|Save" or "File|Save As" from the menu to save the document body. NOTE: "Post" is not currently implemented. I'll try to get it working sometime soon. PROXIES ======= WebClient can use a proxy if needed. Simply select "File|Proxy...", select the appropriate radio button and enter the name of the proxy server. When the proxy is enabled, any URL that has a period in the server name will be sent through the proxy; if the URL doesn't have a period, it is assumed to be local and will not utilize the proxy. EXAMPLES ======== Enter the URL: msw WebClient will construct the request as if you had typed, "http://msw". The HTTP stream will appear in the main window. If you save the document under the name "msw.html", only the HTML text will be saved-- not the HTTP headers. Enter the URL: http://Johndoe/Cmd95b.jpg Only a portion of the HTTP stream will appear in the main window. All the headers will appear, but not all of the entity body, since it's a binary graphics file. If you select "File|Save", though, the entire JPEG file will be saved to the file you specify (again, without the HTTP headers). Enable proxy usage and enter the URL: www.yahoo.com Since the server name has a period in it, the proxy will be used to gain access to the outside internet. Again, "http://" will be assumed. Enable proxy usage and enter the URL: http://JohnDoe Since there are no periods in the server name, it is assumed to be on an Intranet, and the proxy will be bypassed.